Father of two children knifed to death in Valaichenai
Kulathunga Regikanth (26) of Kurinchnagar was abducted by paramilitary group on Saturday morning and his dead body with cut injuries was later found in Valaichenai.
According to Regikanth’s relatives, Regikanth, was operating with a paramilitary group and deserted the group four months ago. He has not involved himself in any such activities since and has been living an ordinary life. The paramilitary group which he deserted has been threatening him with death ever since his desertion. On the day of his abduction and murder, a group of 20 armed men were waiting for him near Valaichenai Police station. Regikanth passed the police station on his way to home in Kurinchinagar from Karuvakerni when he was abducted. Relatives of Regikanth suspect, Kathirgamathamby Jeyaseelan (alias Jeyanthan) and Suman (alias Ajith) who are two prominent members of the paramilitary Karuna group for the abduction and murder of Regikanth.
26 March 2006