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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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The military situation since the Kathiraveli refugee massacre

This report is an update on the report published on 17 November on this website about Vaharai situation

Sri Lankan military has also moved into some of the villages north of Vaharai from which people have displaced en mass and some reports say that they are in the process of converting a school into a military camp. Military has also attempted to move into Vaharai from the Mankerni camp on two occasions and were pushed back by the LTTE.

Since 12 November, Sri Lankan military has shelled Kunchankulam, Maruthankulam, and Kirimichchai settlements inland from the Kajuwaththai military camp (see map) forcing the people to flee the area. These settlements are the border villages of the LTTE area. Altogether 300 families have displaced south wards. The military has now moved along the road inland from Kajuwaththai camp and has setup military posts along this road.

The Sri Lankan military now continues to launch offensives from here towards Vaharai. The intention of the military, it appears, is to trap the people in Vaharai so that they cannot escape to LTTE areas like they did when the Sri Lankan military occupied Sampur.

In the meantime, on two occasions, on 17 and 18 November GoSL agreed to send food convoys to Vaharai but reneged on its promise. On 16 November, President Mahinda Rajapakse met with Tamil members of parliament and promised to send food to Vaharai. Accordingly on 17 November food convoys were sent to Vaharai from Batticalao but they were turned back at the Mankerni checkpoint yet again. Then again on 18 November, Batticaloa member of parliament, Jeyananthamoorthy took efforts and again agreement was reached to sent food convoys. Soon after this agreement was reached, the Sri Lankan military has begun heavily shelling the Vaharai area making it impossible for the food convoys to go.

To read the full article please download here:

18 November 2006

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