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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Violence in Northeast

A bakery and its owners come under SLA attack in Jaffna

In Mailankadu in Elalai two brothers owned a collection of shops that include a grocery store, a bakery, and an eating place. They have run these shops for a long time.

On Wednesday early morning at 3.00 am more than 500 SLA persons arrived in eight large military vehicles and entered the shops and carried out searches. They brought the two brothers to the street and beat them saying that they have information that LTTE members stayed at their shops on the previous night.

SLA persons also accused the brothers of hiding weapons. On the pretext of searching for the weapons they entered the shops and threw everything to the ground and destroyed them.

This attack was carried out by persons of the Urelu SLA camp. The two brothers said that the attack started at 3.00 am lasted till 8.00 am.

SL Police gathering information about students

Sri Lankan Police are going from school to school speaking to the principals to gather information about students who took part in the boycott on Tuesday to protest the interference of military into educational activities. Students in Jaffna staged this boycott on Tuesday against the SLA, in particular against the SLA chief Major Gen Chndrasri.

SLA persons were seen on the streets on Tuesday, the day of the boycott, with sticks and motorbike chains ready to attack students who might stage a protest on the road. Journalists who attempted to video the SLA men with sticks etc were chased by SLA persons.

In the meantime SLA persons are videoing students seen in and around the University and Technical College areas. This act by SLA has caused fear among students. Students believe that this act by SLA is to suppress student protests against SLA’s excesses.

09 March 2006

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