Tamil dailies at the hands of the Karuna paramilitary group
Veerakesary Tamil daily that was being transported by distributors from Colombo to Batticaloa and Amparai, yesterday, was confiscated and burnt by Karuna paramilitary group in Kiran in Batticaloa. The distributing shop “Muruhesu and Sons” was also burnt down by the group.
Two other Tamil dailies published from Colombo, Thinakural and Sudaroli, are already prevented from reaching readers in Government controlled areas of Batticaloa and Amparai by the Karuna group. Such a blockade by a paramilitary group operating in Government controlled areas cannot be practiced without the full knowledge of the Sri Lankan military and police. Karuna group steps up abductions The same Karuna group has also stepped up abductions of children for military training. Abductions by the Karuna paramilitary group have been widely reported in Batticaloa. In the latest development, over the last few days, 50 children are reported to have been abducted in the Government controlled areas of Trincomalee by the Karuna paramilitary group. Vigilante Hindu priest shot dead Hindu priest who warned of armed paramilitary thieves in Poonthoddam, Vavuniya was shot dead. JeganathaIyer Sivapathasharma, aged 40, used to ring the temple bell when someone brought to his notice that armed thieves belonging to paramilitary groups are in the area.
24 October 2006