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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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“Five terrorists and a suicide bomber” killed on 24 August

The five “terrorists”

Five masons (concrete workers) who had gathered after work for drinks and a chat were shot and killed point blank by the Special Task force of the Sri Lankan military on 24 August night in Batticaloa. Immediately the military claimed that they were LTTE members and some weapons and ammunitions were found with them. This claim by the military was widely reported in the international media.

How easy it is to feed the international media with such falsehood? What else can the international media do? They are either unwilling or disallowed from visiting the site and talking to the families of the victims. Yet, the media must report military news when clashes are occurring between the two sides. It seems under these circumstances, re-quoting anything that the military says is fine, even if one is unable to get the other side of the story. Or is it?

How about being fair and just to those killed and their families who were victims of revenge killing by the military? Is re-quoting military without the other side of the story better than being fair to innocent victims?

The paramilitary “suicide bomber”

Sathyaseelan Tharson (20) was killed when the motorbike he was riding exploded near the LTTE frontline in Batticaloa. The Sri Lankan military claimed that Tharson is a suicide bomber belonging to the Karuna group and died while attacking an LTTE front line. Here is what Tharson’s mother said on video.

“Tharson is a fisheman. He went to fish in the river on 20th night and returned the next morning. Tharson was having his breakfast when two people came and dragged him out. They said to Tharson that he must come with them for inquiry and that he will be released later. They took him into the van. I also got into the van but they picked me up and threw me out. I started running behind the van. My son shouted telling me not to come.

I went to Karuna group’s office. They yelled at me and ordered me to leave the office or they will beat me. They said they did not take my son but the PLOTE group did. I went to the PLOTE office. They said they did not take my son and said that I should hurry to find my son before he is killed.

I went back to Karuna group’s office. They told me to come at 4.00 pm. When I went at 4.00 pm they said to come in three days which would have been the 25th. On 24th my daughter-in-law came and told me that my son’s body is on the road.”

What happened to Tharson?

The abducted Tharson was put on a motorbike. Unknown to him explosives were attached to the motorbike. Tharson was told to ride the motorbike through the LTTE frontline. As he neared the LTTE front line the explosives attached to the motorbike was ignited killing Tharson instantly.

27 August 2006

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