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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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NESOHR appeals for the safety of priest

North East Secretariat On Human Rights (NESOHR) issued an appeal about the disappearance of Catholic priest of Alliaipiddy church. The full text of the appeal follows :

Missing Catholic priest, Allaippiddy-Jaffna since 20 August 2006

Rev.Fr. Thiruchelvarn Nihal Jim Brown, Age 34, Parish Priest Allaippiddy, Jaffna isreported missing since 20 August 2006. A lay person, Mr.Wenceslaus Vincent Vimalan,age 38 who accompanied the priest is also missing.

Fr.Jim Brown was taking care of his Allaippiddy parish people, about 800 in number now tayingias refugees at St Marys Church in Kayts and went to say mass in Mandaiti Permission was denied by the military to go to Mandaitivu and he proceeded wo Jaffna from where he returned towards the islands along with Rev.Fr.Peter Thurairatnam, Parish Priest, Naranthanai-Kayts-Fr.Thurairatnam testifies to the fact that Fr.Jim Brown and the lay-person stopped at the Allaippiddy military check-point seeking permission to enter Allaippiddy to say Sunday Mass. Fr. Thurairatnam had seen the two entering Allaippiddy after being permitted by the military. When it was found that these two persons have not returned to Kayts or Jaffna, another priest went to the check-point at Allaippiddy and made enquiries relating Fr.Jim Brown and Mr.Wenceslaus's whereabouts and was reportedly told that both returned from Allaippiddy. But these two have still not shown up in any of the possible locations.

This mysterious disappearance has caused serious alarm among the clergy and the parishioners. It is appropriate to mention here that Fr.Jim Brovm was appointed to the Allaippiddy parish only a month ago to succeed the earlier priest who was a witness to the Allaippiddy massacre and consequently faced threats to his life and therefore transferred out to Punakari outside military occupation. Incidentally, Fr.Jim Brown was the priest at Allaippiddy when the latest massacre took place and was the one who was responsible for the transport of the injured and was instrumental in arranging ajudicial inquiry. It is feared therefore that Fr.Jim Brown and his companion may have been made to disappear by interested parties.

NESOHR, as the watch -dog of Tamil peoples' human rights appeal to all concerned with human rights and the right to life to make urgent and effective intervention in this matter and ascertain the whereabouts of this young priest and the layman.

22 August 2006

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