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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Woes of the IDPS in the Northeast

Sri Lankan military is refusing permission for aid agencies to assist people displaced by the recent Sri Lankan military adventures. According to LTTE Political Head, Elilan, 9182 families of 34332 people are displaced in the LTTE areas of Trincomalee due to the Sri Lankan military adventures from Mavilaru to Sampur. With the approaching rainy season the displaced people are worried about literarily not having even a rudimental roof over their heads. Elilan said that the military audaciously continues to prevent people from taking even their basic needs across the checkpoints.

Sri Lankan military stole properties belonging to displaced civilians, the returning civilians have complained. People who displaced from the Vadamaradchy region of Jaffna during heavy clashes between the Sri Lankan military and the LTTE are gradually returning to their homes to find their property from their homes have been stolen by the military. People say that these stolen properties are visibly in use in the military camps. The complaints have been heard from returning civilians who live in the villages of Varani, Idaikurichchi and Karampai which are the villages near the 52nd camp in Jaffna.

30,000 school students are displaced in Batticaloa due to recent military shelling says Batticaloa member of parliament Ariyanenthiran. Many of the displaced children are unable to attend school. A few who are able to go to school face further problems at school because they do not have school books and uniforms. Ariyanenthiran appealed to the school principals not to be too strict on these children who are without uniforms and books.

All three situations described and more of the same goes on, away from the eyes of the international media. This should not surprise anyone. If civilians can be hunted and killed away from the eyes of the international media then it is not hard to hide the less tangible woes of the displaced living under trees.

19 September 2006

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