SLA violations continue in Jaffna
Jaffna military commander refuses to release homes inside HSZ
The Military Commander of Jaffna recently stated, “we can’t release the home inside the High Seciruty Zone.” The Sri Lankan Armed Forces in Jaffna confirmed the statement that they would not give up the homes that are inside the High Security Zone. In Colombothurai military High Security Zone, there are more than 300 houses of Tamil civilians. Of the 300, 118 are in good living conditions. The remaining houses are damaged by the war. The Northern Province Fishermen’s Consortium previously made a request to the Sri Lankan military headquarters that they be allowed to resettle in their homes in Colombothurai so they can continue their livelihood of fishing. The Sri Lankan military has denied this request. SLA harasses civilians during body-checking People passing through Muhamalai checkpoint stated that they were severely beaten by the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) during body-checking. The SLA is beating civilians regardless of their age. The SLA is also threatening people with foul language. The SLA is carrying on the beatings in covered areas within the checkpoint.
28 March 2006