Why did Sri Lankan Kfirs bomb Kilinochchi hospital?
Three or four Sri Lankan Air Force Kfirs dropped twelve bombs in the Kilinochchi hospital surroundings. One permanent material large home, just 600 metres from the hospital, was completely flattened killing five people who were inside at that time.
The names of those killed are: Muruhesu Shanmuharatnam (Male aged 53); Shanmuharatnam Sasi (Male aged 20); Shanmuharatnam Krishanth (Male aged 19); Ratnam Saraswathi (Female aged 60) and Muruhesu Markandu (Male aged 63). Kilinochchi hospital chief doctor, Sathananthan, says, “More than 300 in-patients and 700 out-patients were at the hospital at that time. All the patients ran out in panic and most went home without completing their treatment out of fear. In one day there will be about 18 child births in this hospital. All of these mothers and the new born babied ran out in panic. Among them who ran out was one mother who has just pushed her baby from the womb, she ran leaving the baby with the nurses and bleeding.” Three months ago, the LTTE had requested ICRC’s assistance to declare the Kilinochchi hospital complex a security zone. The GoSL has dragged its feet in implementing this security zone to protect the hospital. Kilinochchi hospital administration also made this same request to several organizations. Kilinochchi hospital chief doctor, Sathananthan, says, “On several occasions when we made the request to several organizations to declare the hospital complex as a security zone, we were told that if we put the red cross on the roof then by international law it is a protected zone and no one should attack this. Accordingly we have put the red cross on several locations on the roof.” Dr Sathananthan commenting on the future operations of the hospital says, “This hospital has served the entire Vanni area. The hospital is totally in operative as a result of the bombing attack. All surgeries scheduled for since yesterday afternoon have not taken place. The nurses and all other hospital staff have gone home.” Why did this bombing happen just three days after holding direct talks with the LTTE in Geneva? The international community took great pains to bring the parties together in Geneva. Yet, it failed to make any progress because the GoSL side refused to accede to the most basic humanitarian request to open the only land route to 600,000 people in Jaffna. The same day the LTTE delegation arrives in Kilinochchi, Vaharai in Batticaloa was bombed, the very next day the major hospital in Vanni in the centre of Kilinochchi city was bombed. What is the message that the GoSL intends to give through this? Only possible interpretation of this bombing of a major hospital in Kilinochchi can be that the GoSL wants to drag the whole island into a full scale war. Please also read the comments of another doctor from the same hospital which he made two weeks prior to the bombing. See also :
03 November 2006