Ambasador Allan Rock’s visit to Kilinochchi
Ambassador Allan Rock, Special Advisor to the Special Representative on Children in Armed Conflict for UN Secretary General, visited Kilinochchi today as part of his study visit to Sri Lanka.
 He met the Deputy Provincial Director of Health Services, Dr Sathananthan, and the two Zonal Directors of Education, T Kurukularajah and P Ariyaratnam at 8.30am. Ambassador Rock was briefed of the plight of children when Sri Lankan Air Force bombers circle the area especially after three devastating bombing raids in which scores of children have been killed. Several other educational and health related issues especially following the economic blockade were also raised with Ambassador Allan Rock. Following this meeting, Ambassador Rock held an hour long meeting with the Child Protection Authority. The new child protection law was appreciated by the Ambassador and he urged its full implementation and vigorous training about it to all LTTE officers. Ambassador met with the Leader of the Political Wing, S P Tamilselvan, after this and discussed the situation of children in the Tamil homeland including underage recruitment. 
In the afternoon he visited the Education and Skill Development Centre for war affected children run by TRO with funding from ILO and observed the training courses. The children at ESDC provided an enthusiastic welcome to the visiting Ambassadors. Ambassador visited NESOHR (North East Secretariat On Human Rights) and held discussions with its chairperson, Rev Fr Karunaratnam, who further explained the conditions of the children in the Tamil homeland. Ambassador also visited a school in Kilinochchi and spoke to the staff and children.
10 November 2006