Sri Lankan military launches two large scale offensives at the same time
Sri Lankan military launched large scale offensives on two fronts beginning Thursday morning.
Thikkodai attack: Sri Lankan military from the 36th Colony and Badulla Rod Junction camps firing artillery and mortars began a large scale offensive at 8.30 am. Shells were also fired from the Kondavedduvan Sri Lankan military camp further south in the Amparai district in support of this offensive. 
Shells landed in the 50 House Scheme in Thikkaodai (see map). A school girl Kamalaharan Arudchelvi, aged 15, was killed in the Sri Lankan military artillery fire. Her three siblings, aged 7, 18 and 20, all of whom were at home were injured. Two other women in the 50 House Scheme aged 35 and 65 were also injured. Names of the injured are, Kamalaharan Kalaichelvi, Kamalaharan Arudchelvan, Kamalaharan Vithusha, Thangarasa Chandra and Kanapathipillai Pakyam. LTTE took defensive action and one LTTE member was killed. In the ensuing battle seven Sri Lankan soldiers were killed and some weapons were captured by the LTTE. Vaharai attack: Around the same time heavy fighting took place south of Vaharai as Sri Lankan military attempted to move into Vaharai area. The attempt was repulsed by the LTTE. Vaharai region has been blocked by the Sri Lankan military for several weeks stopping food convoys reaching the people and denying access to humanitarian agencies and the SLMM.
23 November 2006