Military men covering their faces with black cloth
The issue of SLA men covering their faces with black cloth while on duty has been discussed by the human rights groups and the courts in Jaffna on many occasions. But SLA ignores all orders and requests and continues with its practice of covering their faces while on duty.

Photo: AP - Sri Lankan army patrol in Jaffna Last week, representatives of human rights groups in Jaffna met with the SLA chiefs in Jaffna. One of the decisions taken at this meeting was to stop the practice wearing black cloths to cover the face of SLA men on duty. Two months ago, the same issue was discussed at a meeting between Jaffna judges and the SLA chiefs in Jaffna at the district courts. The SLA chiefs undertook to stop the practice at that meeting as well. Daily as they travel in their vehicles, the SLA chiefs observe the SLA men with their faces covered with black cloth. The SLA chiefs make no effort to stop the practice on the spot. It is while covering their faces that the SLA men, seize motorbikes from civilians, arrest young men, sexually harass young women and carry out many other unlawful activities that are now common place in Jaffna.
23 June 2006