Who will target and kill Sinhala civilians?
The statist disdain for armed non-state actors prevents many from recognizing the transformation, over the last two decades, of the LTTE from a guerilla force to conventional army to a de-facto government that is running an efficient uncorrupt state structure with demonstrated humanitarian concerns.
The pro-statist position of many also allows them to skim over the long history of genocidal violence against both the Tamils and Sinhalese by the GoSL armed forces. Many foreign governments spent millions of dollars in aid on human rights education for the GoSL armed forces and police during the CFA period. What has the GoSL armed forces and police shown in return for receiving this aid? In the first instance during the CFA period the GoSL armed forces became the GoSL operated armed forces. This GoSL operated armed forces took in many untrained uncouth elements from the Tamil and Muslim community to form many loosely connected paramilitary groups that have all been given free license to kill civilians. At the Geneva talks in February, LTTE presented ample evidence of the operations of paramilitary groups. Many paramilitary groups were named in the report submitted by the LTTE. Some of these are, EPDP, Karuna Group, and Jihath. All that the GoSL has done ever since this Geneva talks was to deny their existence. At the same time SLMM continued to accumulate further evidence of the operations and murders of the paramilitary groups. This GoSL operated forces has been responsible for the killing of 250 civilians including 24 children in six months of non-stop terror in the Northeast. Reflect now on the make up of the two groups that have been accused of the Kebitigollawe bus attack that killed 64 civilians including 15 children and injured a further 70 civilians. On the one hand, the LTTE that, so far during the CFA period, has been accused of hitting only military targets, has been accused by the GoSL of three attacks on Sinhala civilians. On the other hand LTTE is charging that the GoSL operated forces that has unleashed a mindless violence on the civilians in Northeast is also capable of killing Sinhala civilians in order to discredit the LTTE.
16 June 2006