NESOHR issues report on rape and murder of Tharshini
NESOHR appeals to international human rights community to join with them in upholding human rights
 Northeast Secretariat on Human Rights (NESOHR) issued a report on the rape and murder of Ms Ilaiyathambi Tharshini in Punguduthivu, Jaffna on 16 December 2005. The report was made possible by statements from Ms Ilaiyathambi’s relatives, who have given firm evidence that the rape and murder was committed by Sri Lankan Navy. The relatives also spoke of the harassment by Navy officials following the rape and murder. NESOHR appealed to international human rights community to join with them in addressing the violation against Ms Ilaiyathambi. The report presented firm evidence and a detailed account of Ms Ilaiyathambi’s story from when she left her home for a regular visit to her uncle’s home to when her body was found in a well near a Sri Lankan Navy camp. Her relatives explained how Ms Ilaiyathambi’s personal items such as her slippers and braces for teeth were found on the way to the well where her body was discovered. Near the well, her undergarments were found near a bloody Palmyra leaf and a Navy hat was also found at the site. 
The report further disclosed that since the rape and murder, Navy officials have been harassing the family members. Navy officials visited Ms Ilaiyathambi’s relatives home for questioning and investigations after the body was found, and imposed unfounded theories that would remove the blame from Sri Lankan Navy members. Prior to the discovery of the body Navy officials also suggested to Ms Ilaiyathambi’s family that she may have left to join the LTTE. Villagers also reported to NESOHR that Navy officials were searching for the men who stood guard around the well overnight, once Ms Ilaiyathambi’s body was found. As told by villagers in the area where Ms Ilaiyathambi lived, the general conduct of the Navy toward young women entail verbal harassment and offensive exposure. Young women of the village stated that Navy men are known to call out to women walking by them, crudely gesturing. They also stated that Navy men bathe naked in wells that were open to public view. NESOHR provided a map of the area where Ms Ilaiyathambi’s body was found. 
The report was created by a NESOHR committee member who met with the relatives of Ms Ilaiyathambi. The full report can be found on their website, www.nesohr.org
08 January 2006