Voices of refugees in Mukkomban- 7
Sri Lankan military artillery shelling had forced many civilians to displace away from the shelling range of the Sri Lankan military stationed in Jaffna. About 400 families displaced from Poonahari, which is within the Sri Lankan military artillery range, are living in Mukkomban which is 10 Kms from the Kilinochchi town. These are some of their voices.
On shelling Nadarasa Navaluxmi: We displaced on 20 December. We displaced to Mukomban when the shelling started in Poonahari. Our uncle was injured badly by the shell. His children were there but luckily escaped injury.
Thanabalasingam Premalatha: We displaced in 92 as well and came here without any things. We displaced again after shelling started on 11 August but went back because of children’s school. Then one man was injured in the shelling so we came back again.
Nagalingam Ranjithamalar: We displaced here in 1992 and went through hardship. When military left Poonahari we went back there and we lived OK. My husband was injured in Kfir attack in 1992. He still has a piece in his body and he is sickly. One month ago a shell fell close to our home. The owner was injured. We all had injuries caused by shell pieces. What can we do living there? Some homes were also destroyed. Our home is mud so it has less damage.
About their present shelter 
Nadarasa Navaluxmi: My husband does labour work. We built this hut ourselves. UNCIEF and SOLIDAR built toilets and gave some mats. Thanabalasingam Premakala:
We went through a lot of hardship to put this roof. Some have just put a tarpauline cover. But that is hot. Some have put up the hut but were unable to put the roof. They are living under trees. Nagalingam Ranjithamalar:
If we stay at our own place we do rice growing and we manage. Here, only if my husband works, we will have something to eat for the day. Here even for food we struggle. Pathmanesan Hemalatha: We came from Nallur in Poonahari. My husband works for daily wages. Milk powder for my baby is expensive. To buy that, he must work daily. So he must work too and also build this place. It is hard.
About lack of water Nadarasa Navaluxmi:
We have to bring water from far away. To have a bath we have to walk far. Thanabalasingam Premakala:
We walk long distance to get water. The well here has no water. Women face a lot of problems because of it. About dangers in their new shelters 
Nadarasa Navaluxmi:
Cobra came and my 9 year old son killed it. One came inside the hut and my husband was home and he killed it. Thanabalasingam Premakala:
There is a large poisonous insect this long. There are snakes. This is a forest so you can expect such poisonous insects. Nagalingam Ranjithamalar:
Day before a scorpion came. My husband killed it. Then there was a long insect. That is the first time I saw it. My husband said let us go back home even if there is shelling. This is our plight. It will be a bit protective if we put mud walls. There is no water to do that. We first had tarpauline but it was too hot so we bought some palm leaves to do the roof. Pathmanesan Hemalatha:
There was a centipede this morning. It is hard because this is forest.
15 October 2006