Karuna group threatens SLMM in Batticaloa
Karuna group working with the support of the SLA once again threatened the monitors of the Batticaloa District SLMM. This threat was made to block the activities of the SLMM regarding the abduction of the seven TRO employees who were abducted two weeks ago.
An anonymous phone call warned that the SLMM should not interfere in the matter of abducted TRO employees. Calling the name of the district head of the SLMM via telephone, the warning message said, if the SLMM comes to Welikanda area with the relatives of the abducted TRO employees they will attack the SLMM vehicle. The district head of SLMM and two other monitors were threatened with murder earlier, when they confirmed the presence of camps belonging to the Karuna group in Thivuchchenai.
11 February 2006