SLA’s excesses continues in Thenmaradchi
The SLA continues its excesses in many areas at night under the guise of checking for LTTE members.
Civilian based organisations in Thenmaradchi blame the SLA for targeting families with young women for their search operations. Families fear the actions by SLA, which include taking away girls’ photographs and their possessions. The SLA continues this type of activities in the areas of Nunavil, Varany, Manthuvil, Meesalai for last ten days.
Meanwhile people from Koyilakkandy, Maravanpulo and Thanankilappu complain that the SLA has been cutting off the palm trees in these areas.
Thousands of trees have already been wiped out by the SLA during prolonged war for the last two decades. Now people are concerned about the destruction of the remaining trees.
10 January 2006