SL Navy attacks fishermen at sea and shells LTTE area
Two fishermen, Nadarajah Mathiyalakan from the Fourth Ward in Sampoor and Selvarasa Krishnapillai from the Third Ward in Sampoor were attacked by the Sri Lankan Navy (SLN) in the sea adjacent to the LTTE-administered region of Sampoor.
On the morning of Thursday, 30 March the SLN began indiscriminately firing at the fishermen in their boat from Norway Point. The fishermen barely escaped injuries. LTTE members based in Sampoor rushed to the coastline after hearing the shots and the SLN began firing at the coastline of Sampoor. As the SLN continued firing, LTTE members fired back in defense. Soon after the SLN moved in toward the coastline and began shelling the LTTE camp located in Sampoor. LTTE members stopped their firing in order to keep civilians in the area out of danger.
30 March 2006