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CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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SLN harassment on Jaffna fishermen continues unabated

Fishemen in Kayts, Pannai and Arali in Jaffna expressed concern dismay that they are being harassed by Sri Lankan Navy (SLN) as they struggle to continue their livelihood of fishing.


The SLN in Kaytes began issuing new identity cards for fishermen recently. The SLN ordered all fishermen from Kaytes to come to their camp where they took photos of the fishermen and took all of their personal information and issued new identity cards at the camp. The fishermen in this village stated that they have more than four identity cards previously issued by the Sri Lankan government and Sri Lankan armed forces.


Meanwhile in Pannai sea area the harassment on fishermen by SLN suddenly increased. Fishermen from Pannai made a complaint about the increased harassment against them to the Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission in Jaffna. As part of their daily work, fishermen leave their fishing nets at sea overnight to catch fish, however recently when they collect their nets the following morning, they discover that the nets are destroyed and cut by the SLN patrolling the sea at night. In addition, the SLN has informed fishermen of new fishing boundaries where they are banned from fishing, leaving a small area to fish.


The SLN in Arali implemented a tight pass control for more than 300 fishermen in the village. By these restrictions fishermen’s work is severely affected. They implemented two pass systems. All fishermen must have two passes with signatures from Grama Sevaka officials and the SLN commander. When they go to sea one of the passes should be given to SLN in the nearby sentry point and another one must be kept by the fishermen, which is difficult when they are working in the sea.

Member of Parliament of Vanni writes to SL President, urging the release of fishermen

A TNA Member of Parliament of Vanni wrote a letter to Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse about the two fishermen, Soosainathar and Jeyakumar, who disappeared in Mullaitivu Sea when they went fishing on 23 January. In the letter he stated that sources have informed him that the two disappeared civilians were taken to K.K.S Navy camp and urged the President to call for their release from the Navy.

The letter further stated, “These two civilians have already been affected by tsunami disaster. One of them lost his wife in the tsunami and now looks after his three children.”

After the fishermen’s disappearance, their boat was found with SLN materials attached to the boat, leaving many to suspect that the navy was responsible for this disappearance.

06 February 2006

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