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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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Militarization of Jaffna persists

Militarization of Jaffna persists are the Sri Lankan Army (SLA) is in full force, threatening students, harassing civilians and abusing women.

Jaffna University closed until normalcy, students announce Jaffna University Students Union warned that they will boycott classes until students can go to classes, study in the libraries and their homes without constant harassment by military.

Below are excerpts from a statement issued by the Jaffna University students union:

“The SLA and paramilitaries have threatened the home owners who have given board and lodging for the students who came from outside of Jaffna. As a result thousands of students are struggling without a place to stay.

“Students who come from outside of Jaffna that pass through Muhamalai checkpoint are harassed and checked for several hours and sometimes threatened with death. For this reason, we are staying away from classes until our safety is guaranteed.”

“Until military is withdrawn from our university area, until the checkpoint harassment stops, until the SLA stops threats towards to students who are boarding, we will stay away from classes.” said the statement.

Military administration

The Sri Lankan military in Jaffna has given permission to run ambulances during the night for emergencies. It is worth noting that several fatalities were reported recently due to lack of transport at night due to fear. This permission for ambulance service was granted after efforts by the Jaffna district medical officer who raised the issue of fatalities occurring due to lack transport at night provide by civilians out of fear.

Alaipaddi SLA chechpoint

People passing through the Alaipaddi SLA checkpoint are being subjected to harassment. People are being forced to get off their vehicles, walk long distances to have their bags and bodies checked by SLA personnel. Women complain that male soldiers are conducting body-checks and subjecting them to sexual harassment. People traveling by motorbikes say they have to remove the seat of the motorbike, which takes a lot of time. People are stating that a lot of time is wasted at this checkpoint.

Women’s screams heard from SLA camp

People of Kopay area have complained to Member of Parliament, Gajenthiran, that they have heard screams of women from a camp in the Kopay-Kaithady Road. Gajenthiran stated that he has informed the Sri Lankan President about this and the President has commanded the SLA Jaffna commander Daya Chandrasiri to investigate this incident further.

SLA threaten civilians with more disappearance

When Tharshini Ilaiyathambi was raped and murdered in Punguduthivu in December 2005, the angry villagers damaged a building belonging to the Sri Lankan Navy. The Navy is now demanding that the civilians repair the damaged building and warned that if they do not do so, there will be more disappearances in their village.

SLA sexually harasses women at the Thirunelveli junction

Women going on bicycles past the Thirunelveli junction and Post Box junction road are being stopped by SLA at gunpoint. They are verbally harassed with sexual threats. They also take away their identity cards and tell them to come back later to pick them up. The SLA soldiers also inquire about their homes, the location and the occupants of their home. Women’s groups in Jaffna have made these accusations.

01 February 2006

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