141 Tamil civilians killed in the week of 8-15 August
In one of the worst weeks of killings since the CFA was signed (8 August to 15 August), 141 civilians were killed by Sri Lankan armed forces aerial bombing and shelling. This number includes.
50 civilians killed by aerial bombing in Kathiraveli, Trincomalee on 10 August
7 civilians killed by shelling in Muhamalai, Jaffna on 11 August
15 civilians killed in St Philip Neri church by shelling on 13 August in Allaipiddy, Jaffna
55 civilians killed by aerial bombing in Vallipunam school camp, Mullaitivu on 14 August
The previous week, 17 aid workers from Action Against Hunger were shot dead, execution-style, in Trincomalee on 5 August. An updated complete list of civilian killings since the last Oslo meeting in the first week of June has been released by the LTTE political wing. This list of 364 Tamil civilians killed can be downloaded from here. Civilians_killed_post_Oslo_15_Aug_2006.pdf
For a complete list of Tamil civilian killing since the CFA please check the “Civilian casualties” option from the menu on this page. This total stands at 753. Due to the efficient work of the GoSL spin doctors, most of these killing have not received the attention that civilian massacres ought to be receiving from the international community. Historically, the methods used by the GoSL spin doctors include, alleging civilians as LTTE members as in the case of the school students killed in Vallipunam, alleging that the LTTE committed the murders as in the case of the shooting of 17 ACF aid workers, or paint the killing as internal to the Tamil community as in the case of most of the other shooting.
18 August 2006