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'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

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13 May Allaipiddy massacre hearing begins in Kayts district courts

The hearing into the 13 May massacre of 13 civilians in Allaipiddy and Velanai, began in the Kayts district courts in Jaffna on Monday 5 June presided by Judge Jeyaraman Trotsky.

The GoSL had earlier announced that it had appointed a special criminal investigation unit headed by, Chief Superintendent of Police, Mages Perera from Colombo.

Based on the statements given by eyewitnesses to the murders that they can identify Sri Lankan Navy personnel stationed opposite their home who committed the murders, Judge Trotsky had ordered the criminal investigation unit appointed by the GoSL and headed by Chief Superintendent, Mages Perera, to arrange an identification parade of the Naval personnel stationed in the said camps.

The GoSL appointed criminal investigation unit had in turn appointed a Police Inspector attached to the Jaffna Police to arrange the identification parade. This inspector of police sent a report to the courts raising the following.

 The evidence by the said eyewitnesses contradicted with statements given by others.

 She has not provided identification marks of those she claimed had committed the murders.

 She had said that the SLN personnel are stationed in the camp in front of her house. But there are two camps and she did not say which camp the personnel are from.

The report, therefore, concluded that the police are unable to collect sufficient evidence for further action.

Judge Trotsky criticized the failure of the police to carry out his orders as irresponsible.

He said the actions of the police are more like a defense lawyer trying to protect its client than a police trying to prosecute a culprit.

Is anyone surprised?

06 June 2006

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