Harassments continue…….
Bus with teachers subjected to heavy checking
The bus service from Iruppiddy to Jaffna town run by the State is usually subjected to checking in the Punguduthivu area by SL Navy. Many school teachers use this bus service. During checking female teachers are permitted to stay in the bus while everyone else is asked to get down and subjected to checking.
On Wednesday, on this particular bus service all who were traveling happened to be teachers. SL Navy insisted that female teachers also must get down from the bus. When the female teachers objected, SL Navy refused to accept their objections. Everyone was forced to get down and wait outside for more than 30 minutes. The bus was deliberately delayed until a higher officer arrived and was then allowed to proceed. Jaffna University unable to reopen due to SLA presence Jaffna University Students Union has charged that there are several hurdles in reopening the university due to the presence of SLA in the surroundings of the university. Students are in a state of fear due to the presence of SLA. Also home owners are reluctant to give board to students due to fear of SLA. These are the reasons for the delay in reopening the university. The University Student Union president, Kokilaruban, made these statements following a meeting to discuss the reopening of the university. He added that the students expected the SLA presence to reduce following the Geneva talks but even today (Wednesday) there is a large number of SLA around the university. In this context of large SLA presence reopening the university is problematic he said. The final decision to reopen university, however, will be made after the Thursday’s meeting.
02 March 2006