Trincomalee Situation
Militarization of civil administration: The civil administration of the island by the GoSL is run as 25 provinces each with a administrative centre headed by the Governor. Northeast is one such province which is the Tamil homeland with its administrative centre in Trincomalee. The Governor of this Northeast province, a civil service position, is a Sinhalese retired military officer, Admiral Mohaan Wijewickrema. Northeast has eight districts, each with another administrative head the Government Agent, which is another civil service job. The Government Agent of Trincomalee is another recently retired Sinhala military officer, Major General Ranjith Silva.
 Civilian protest: In this fashion the entire civil administration in Trincomalee is gradually being militarized. On 27 June, government, non-government and commercial institutions in Trincomalee protested the militarization of the Trincomalee civil administration. GoSL dismissing protesting government servants:Following the protest when the government officers reported to work on 28 June they were told that the Minister of internal affairs has ordered that those who did not report to work that day have vacated their posts. By this order, the only non-violent protest available to the people to raise their voice has been taken away. Public demonstration in Trincomalee is unthinkable with death squad like killings a daily occurrence. Death to civilians crossing from LTTE area: Many civilians have been killed on the spot or abducted and later killed as they crossed SLA checkpoints from LTTE area for their normal duties. Some cases are given below. On 28 June, Chellaih Varnakulasingam (55), local-government employee, of Kaddaiparichchan, Sampoor, an LTTE area, was beaten to death and his body was thrown into a well by the SLA when he passed through the Kaddaiparichchan SLA checkpoint (see map). On 26 May, Mathavarasa Sathanandan was similarly abducted and later killed from the Mutur jetty (see map). On 1 June, Selvarajah Gajanathan, an officer of the NGO MPCS, was abducted from the Kaddaiparichchan SLA checkpoint and later killed. Gajanathan was at the checkpoint to transfer food items from GoSL area to LTTE for distribution to large number of internally displaced people who have displaced out of fear and SLA shelling. 23 May, Chandran, a fish vendor was killed by the SLA as he crossed the SLA checkpoint at Toppur (see map).
30 June 2006