Violence and harassment in Northeast
Muslim Businessman killed in Batticaloa
Muslim businessman shot by Muslim armed group in Eravur in Batticaloa and admitted to hospital died at hospital.
M Joubar (45) was shot near Eravur-1 Ladies Market last night. Sri Lankan Police said that Joubar was shot on his way from his shop to his home and the gunmen have escaped. Joubar’s family said that he was not involved with any political parties. 17 year old student missing in Jaffna Parents of a 17 year old youth have lodged a disappearance complaint yesterday with the Sri Lanka Human rights Commission. Poologanathan Thushyanthan has been missing since March 4th. Parents said that there is no evidence that their son has crossed over the Muhamalai checkpoint. The Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission, Jaffna Branch said that they are unable obtain any information about the people who have gone missing from Jaffna during the last December and January months. SLA checking through out Jaffna SLAcarried out checking through out Jaffna on Monday. Vehicles were stopped, national identity card demanded and vehicle documents were also scrutinized. Large number of SLA personnel were heaped from 7.00 am at Navatkuly, Kaithadi, Valaippalam, Kodikamam, Nelliady and several other places. In Jaffna town Large military vehicles were parked during the checking.
08 March 2006