SLA harassment of Jaffna University students borders psychological torture
Jaffna University students returning to Jaffna on Wednesday, through the SLA’s Muhamalai checkpoint, from a student meeting in Pallai was detained for long hours and subjected to intensive interrogation bordering on to psychological torture. As a result, many students chose not to pass through the check point and thus miss their lectures.
Jaffna University students held their meeting to discuss the threats and problems they are facing due to the SLA actions. They held the meeting in Pallai rather than in Jaffna exactly for the same reason. After the meeting they were returning back to Jaffna for their lectures through the SLA checkpoint at Muhamalai. When the students began to pass through the checkpoint, the SLA held them for several hours, and insisted that they tell them what was discussed in their meeting. The questioning and interrogation was harsh and long and bordered on psychological torture. Many students standing in line, waiting to pass through the checkpoint, saw this torture and decided not to pass through the check point and instead returned back to Pallai.
12 January 2006