Humanitarian Agencies raise safety concerns in Colombo
International and local non governmental organizations providing humanitarian assistance to war affected people in the Northeast met in Colombo to raise their concerns for their safety with the Government of Sri Lanka.
Many incidence of violence in recent times targeting non governmental humanitarian agencies have made the employees of these organizations nervous. In particular there have been frequent attacks on humanitarian agencies in the east and many of the humanitarian organization have withdrawn their operations. This is particularly harrowing in LTTE administered Trincomalee areas where more than 50,000 people made refugees by the recent clashes are struggling for their very basic needs. Sri Lankan military has been repeatedly accused blocking relief items reaching the refugees in these areas. Some of the attacks on humanitarian agencies this year are, In the latter part of January seven TRO employees were abducted and disappeared near Thivuchenai in Batticaloa.
On 21 May, three aid offices, in Trincomalee, Non Violent Peace Force (NVPF), ZOA (a Dutch agency helping refugees), and Intersos (an Italian relief organization), were attacked simultaneously with grenades.
29 June, a truck driver delivering boats to a TRO project was abducted and disappeared near Manampity bridge in Batticaloa.
On 2 July, Krishnapillai Kamalnathan was abducted and disappeared in Valaichenai, Batticaloa.
On 20 July, Kandasamy Sivasuthan a TRO officer was taken to an SLA camp and beaten and later released.
On 4 August, in Mutur east in Trincomalee, 17 employees of the International NGO Action Against Hunger was told to lie face down on the ground with their hands on their head and shot dead.
A female Red Cross worker was shot dead in Vavuniya on 20 August.
Several pamphlets threatening humanitarian agencies have also been distributed in Trincomalee. TRO offices in several locations in the Northeast have been vandalized. The latest incident is the destruction and burning of the main TRO office in Jaffna costing more than a million Rupees.
26 August 2006