257 civilians die in bombing and shelling directed at civilians since April 2006
In 48 shelling and aerial bombing attacks directed at civilians since April 257 civilians were killed. There were 29 aerial bombings on civilian settlements and 21 shelling directed at civilians settlements.
The attached PDF file documents the incidents and casualties due to the Sri Lankan military shelling and aerial bombing that were directed at civilians. The list do not include those that were directed at combatants or the civilians caught in cross fire. 257 civilians were killed during these bombing and shelling attacks which includes the 51 school girls killed in Mullaithivu when a school camp at the Senchcholai complex was bombed. Of the remaining 206 civilians 88 were killed in aerial bombing and 118 were killed by direct shelling of civilian areas and shelling of displacing civilians. Full details in the PDF version
28 September 2006