Tamil Children killed by GoSL forces in Northeast since December 2005
Northeast has become the killing fields for the GoSL forces which has been carrying out murders of civilians, children inclusive, during the CFA period, in particular since December 2005. The gruesome nature of the murders of children must send chills down the spines of anyone, in particular those who have proclaimed concerns for the welfare of the children.
Twenty-four (24) children: two children under the age of 2; three children under the age 5; three children under the age of 10; four children under the age of 13; and 12 children over the age of 14 have been murdered. Babies in the arms of their parents; babies sleeping between their parents; young boy with his grandmother; children murdered and hung; young boy shot in front of his parents at his own home; there is no limit to the gruesomeness. The statistics on the children killed by the GoSL forces speaks for itself about the cold blooded nature of these murders. The lack of condemnation from outside the Tamil community for these child murders is in itself shocking. Above and beyond the United Nations Human Rights Council (Commission), United Nations Security Council itself has in place monitoring mechanisms for children in armed conflict that is mandated to include the killing and maiming of children. Could the deaths of these children listed below have been prevented if an outright condemnation is issued each and every time a child is murdered in such cold blooded fashion? It seems that such a condemnation would certainly have a positive effect. Yet, everyone with proclaimed interest in child welfare is dead silent. It is hoped that the statistics below will push those with concerns for child welfare to sit up and rethink the approaches adopted by them to protect children in armed conflict. Headquarters, Political Wing
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam The report can be down loaded from here.
11 June 2006