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  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

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Implications of Sri Lanka’s defense expenditure in the 2007 Budget

by Economic Analyst K Balakrishnan

Defense expenditure allocated in the 2007 Sri Lankan budget is 139.66 billion Rupees which is 1.4 billion US dollars.

This is a 46% increase on the 2006 defense spending. The government has said that this is mostly due to increases in salary.

The 2007 defense allocation is 23.28%of the total government income.

Of the total government expenditure for 2007 this is 16.72%.

The budget shortfall for 2007 is estimated to be 235 billion Rupees. The table below shows how the Sri Lankan government is planning to make up for the shortfall.

The proposed deficit is to be made as follows
ItemAmount in billion RupeesAmount in billion US dollars
Foreign borrowings114.7891.15
Foreign grants24.0750.25
Internal borrowing (non banking sectors)139.5121.39
Internal borrowing (banking sector)8.00.08
Foreign currency domestic borrowings8.70.087
After paying overseas loan repayment60.038.6
Rest that will make up the budget shortfall235.0382.35

The Sri Lankan government clearly has a need to convince the donors its intentions to pursue the peace process to convince them the extensive borrowing and receiving aid needed to make up the short fall as shown above. In order to do this the Sri Lankan government will posture as the party interested in peace. Will the donors be deceived?

The table below shows how the Rajapakse government has made a three fold increase in the estimated expenditure for purchasing military hardware for 2007.

Estimated capital expenditure for purchasing military equipment for 2007 in US dollars
by the regime previous to the Rajapakse regime14.962
by Rajapakse regime44.896

The table below is comparison of the defense expenditure of some countries.

Country*Defense expenditure as a percentage of the nation’s GDPDefense expenditure per year per person in US dollars **Number of citizens for each soldier
Sri Lanka4.371.00130

* The data for other countries are based on 2003 spending. The Sri Lanka data is for the 2007 budget.

** Comparison of this data is valid only for countries with similar economic development. Therefore only countries in the South Asian region are compare.

21 November 2006

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