SLA fires artillery shell into LTTE administered area
On Thursday morning at 4:50 am, a LTTE camp 1.5 Km from the forward defense line (FDL) of Muhamalai in Jaffna came under artillery shell attack by SLA.
The attack was carried out from the Vadamarachchi Nagarkovil SLA camp and the artillery shell fell just 100 metres from the above LTTE camp and exploded.  SLMM monitor inspecting the site where artillery exploded
The location where the shell fell was 500 metres from the A9 road and only 50 metres from a settlement where people have resettled during the CFA period after being displaced during the war. Even a very slight change in the artillery projectile would have dropped the shell exactly on this settlement and could have caused serious damage to civilians. This blatant violation of the CFA by the SLA was brought to the notice of the SLMM and an SLMM team visited the location and carried out an investigation. This attack occurred just as the second day of talks are about to begin between the parties in Geneva. This is the first time an artillery attack by the SLA on LTTE administered area had been carried out since the CFA was signed four years ago.
23 February 2006