CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.08.2004  NESOHR's Second Meeting
01.08.2004  Collective Rights and the ISGA.
02.08.2004  People of Usan take Decision to hold a protest in front of District Secretariat
02.08.2004  Unemployed youth protest through the NorthEast about the Government's graduate employment
06.08.2004  Civil Society representatives from the South meet with LTTE in Kilinochchi
06.08.2004  Civil Society from South meets NESOHR
07.08.2004  Ready to fight and ready for peace too
08.08.2004  Vanni Institute of Technology -Convocation
08.08.2004  US General's Visit - Panic in Jaffna peninsula CBOs highly perturbed
09.08.2004  SLA allowed school to function but obstructs clearing
10.08.2004  "Please facilitate safe passage to voluntary returnee refugees from S. India"
10.08.2004  JVP may bypass President who made them partners in government
11.08.2004  Strange bed fellows; racial majoritarianism conglomerates
13.08.2004  Release of prisoner
13.08.2004  Editorial comment in the news bulletin - July 2004 of the LTTE Peace Secretariat
14.08.2004  "Recommencement of peace process is in the hands of the government"
14.08.2004  "We are waiting for a positive response from the government to recommence negotiations on the basis
15.08.2004  Arch Bishop Malcolm Ranjith and Bishops of Jaffna and Mannar on peace mission to Kilinochchi
16.08.2004  EU-Troika visit to Kilinochchi
17.08.2004  SLA imposes restrictions on devotees
17.08.2004  Sri Lankan naval activity badly affects free fishing
17.08.2004  Security practices affect the people
18.08.2004  SLA disturbs political works in Uvarmalai
19.08.2004  TEEO Head discuss with NESOHR Director to diagnose Government's slothful inaction
20.08.2004  Counter proposal - Is thy name procrastination? - Editorial from Uthayan Daily - 19.08.2004
21.08.2004  Four youngsters transferred to the transit center
23.08.2004  "SLA accommodating and encouraging the activities of the armed groups, is a serious threat to normal
24.08.2004  "Take decisive action to resolve national crisis"
25.08.2004  Head of SLMM in Kilinochchi
26.08.2004  If the constitution obstructs peace, hurl it away
27.08.2004  Forum of Federations, Canada meets with Tamilselvan in Kilinochchi.
28.08.2004  Normalcy cannot be restored while HSZs exist
28.08.2004  The government should accept the ISGA proposals and pave the way for a final solution
29.08.2004  A concerted propaganda war against Tamils and Peace
30.08.2004  TNA legislators Confab with LTTE Heads in Kilinochchi.
31.08.2004  "Talks should recommence on the basis of the ISGA and quickly at that"
31.08.2004  SLMM-LTTE pow-wow in Batticaloa