CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.11.2004  "Parochial political concerns and lack of consensus delay humanitarian delivery and the peace proces
08.11.2004  Attack on SLA vehicle by unidentified group
09.11.2004  LTTE Chief Negotiator arrives in Kilinochchi.
10.11.2004  “Suggestion to give up claim for separate state should accompany a viable alternative”
11.11.2004  Norwegian facilitators meet with LTTE leader
12.11.2004  "Arafat was the source and force of inspiration for all the oppressed masses of the world"
15.11.2004  Attack over protesters in Kodikamam
16.11.2004  "Tamil mandate dictates us to be pro-active in the with ISGA proposals and final resolution"
17.11.2004  "Peace process stems from the CFA and hence SLMM has a major and challenging responsibility"
17.11.2004  LTTE's checkmate
18.11.2004  Cadre shot dead in Pethalai, Valaichenai
18.11.2004  Security forces open fire on travelers in Anuradhapura
18.11.2004  Activities of the Military Intelligence Unit on the increase in Thenmaradchchi
19.11.2004  President should communicate to the LTTE at the earliest to recommence the talks - TNA
20.11.2004  Tension increases in Jaffna
21.11.2004  Who is against peace?
21.11.2004  "If India comes forward to rebuild the Palaly Airport it will lose the goodwill of the Tamils"
22.11.2004  People continue to face severe hardships
23.11.2004  "ISGA is not for a final solution"
24.11.2004  SLA removes Tamil national flag - unrest in Mannar
25.11.2004  SLA and SL Police rioting in Mannar
25.11.2004  Veneration of Martyrs permeates nooks and corners of Tamil Eelam
25.11.2004  Sri Lankan Armed Forces try to disrupt the Martyrs' Day celebrations
26.11.2004  Tamil People celebrate their National Leader's 50th Birthday
28.11.2004  Political gleanings from the Tamil National Leader's Martyrs Day address
29.11.2004  The need of the day