CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.10.2006  Caring for the children in Tamileelam - Press Release
02.10.2006  LTTE releases 93 underage youths
03.10.2006  Norway Special Envoy meets Head of LTTE Political Wing
04.10.2006  GoSL for the second time refuses SLMM access to Muhamail FDL
04.10.2006  Jaffna report on week one in October
04.10.2006  Children’s education – one cost of displacement
06.10.2006  Sri Lankan military defies call by Co-Chairs, launches three pronged military attack
07.10.2006  Rape of women by the military on the increase in Jaffna
08.10.2006  Sri Lankan appetite to devour Tamil homeland has a long history
09.10.2006  October civilian casualties in Jaffna
10.10.2006  206 fishing boat engines confiscated from Jaffna fishermen by Sri Lankan Navy
10.10.2006  Facilitate the work of SLMM - Head of LTTE Political Wing tells Norwegian ambassador
11.10.2006  Sri Lankan military launches large scale offensive along northern border
12.10.2006  75 bodies of Sri Lankan soldiers recovered – Sri Lankan military repulsed
12.10.2006  74 dead bodies of Sri Lankan military handed over to the ICRC by the LTTE
13.10.2006  Voices of refugees- 6
13.10.2006  October first fortnight news from Northeast
14.10.2006  A Window into Tamil displacement.
14.10.2006  Mullaithivu fishermen and farmers unedr Sri Lankan military fire
15.10.2006  Voices of refugees in Mukkomban- 7
16.10.2006  Hospitals destroyed and made dysfunctional by artillery shelling
17.10.2006  Sri Lankan Kfir bombs kill one and injure another baby – a children’s home also affected
17.10.2006  VOT Radio tower destroyed by Sri Lankan Kfir bombers
18.10.2006  Sri Lankan Kfir bombers hit Tamil village in Trincomalee
18.10.2006  Japanese Envoy meets LTTE Political Head to discuss upcoming talks in Geneva
19.10.2006  Norwegian special envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer meets with Tamilselvan
21.10.2006  Jaffna counts its dead in numbers
21.10.2006  Tamils deal with the aftermath of Sri Lankan aerial bombing and shelling
23.10.2006  Two fishermen found dead in their boats in Pesalai sea
24.10.2006  Tamil dailies at the hands of the Karuna paramilitary group
24.10.2006  LTTE delegation lead by Tamilselvan leaves for Geneva
25.10.2006  Military welfare ahead of civilian needs
25.10.2006  Jaffna remains a boiling pot despite scheduled peace talks
26.10.2006  Oppressive conditions in Tamil homeland
26.10.2006  Peace talks and artillery shelling – case of schizophrenia
27.10.2006  LTTE delegation in Geneva consults expatriate Tamil experts
27.10.2006  Civilian casualty since finalizing statistics for Geneva talks
28.10.2006  "870 civilians killed, 408 injured, among them 98 children"
29.10.2006  LTTE Press Release after Geneva –II
30.10.2006  Tamil National Member of Parliament escapes grenade attack
30.10.2006  Civilians killed, disappeared and injured on 28, 29 October in the Northeast
30.10.2006  Excerpts from the press conference given by Tamilselvan in Geneva after the unproductive talks:
31.10.2006  Tamil fishermen’s plight captured in a Mullaithivu sea incident