CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.03.2006  No end to military excesses even after Geneva talks
01.03.2006  Escaped Karuna group member exposes plot to disrupt Geneva talks
01.03.2006  SLAFs Chief in Jaffna informs SLAFs position in Jaffna
02.03.2006  Jaffna University unable to reopen due to SLA presence
02.03.2006  Harassments continue…….
02.03.2006  SLN artillery fall in the fishing grounds in Vadamaradchy
03.03.2006  SLA tightens its noose on Jaffna students
03.03.2006  LTTE reaffirms commitment to CFA
04.03.2006  Fishermen thrown into sea at Ponekari and Sampilthurai
04.03.2006  Five LTTE members abducted by SLA in Trincomalee
04.03.2006  SLA attacks LTTE members in LTTE areas
06.03.2006  Harassments of Sri Lankan armed forces continue in the North East
08.03.2006  Fishing lines destroyed by SLN in Chakkoddai in Vadamaradchchi
08.03.2006  Jaffna education activities comes to a standstill as students protest
08.03.2006  LTTE delegation arrives in Kilinochchi after Geneva talks
08.03.2006  Violence and harassment in Northeast
09.03.2006  Violence in Northeast
10.03.2006  A young man killed by paramilitary
10.03.2006  NESOHR conducts workshops on human rights
10.03.2006  LTTE child protection unit meets with UNICEF consultant
11.03.2006  Violence and harassment in Northeast
12.03.2006  LTTE post attacked by SLA
12.03.2006  SLA attacks young men after stripping them naked
13.03.2006  SLN imposes new restrictions for fishing
14.03.2006  Two teenagers abducted in Batticaloa by paramilitaries
14.03.2006  Prisoners from south to grow vegetables for SLA in Jaffna
14.03.2006  40 Muslims turned back at Muhamalai by SLA
16.03.2006  LTTE reviews post-Geneva with facilitators
17.03.2006  A curse that is Unitary Constitution and the Tamil peoples’ collective dignity
17.03.2006  Geneva “Agreement” in the back burner?
17.03.2006  SLA’s prior permission needed for group travel through Muhamalai
18.03.2006  Civilians terrorized in Batticaloa by SLA and paramilitaries
19.03.2006  Paramilitary violence unabated
19.03.2006  TNA Meets with political heads in Kilinochchi
21.03.2006  Sampur comes under SLN attack
21.03.2006  Terror among civilian is pervasive
22.03.2006  “The government is seemingly engaged in a process of retarding the entire process”
22.03.2006  Sampur under attack by SLN for the second day in row
23.03.2006  A Muslim paramilitary group exists, says home guards arrested by LTTE
23.03.2006  Paramilitary groups continue to killing
24.03.2006  LTTE member killed, three injured in SLA attack in Trincomalee
24.03.2006  SLA attacks students at Jaffna Technical College
25.03.2006  Third killing within a week in Vavuniya
26.03.2006  Father of two children knifed to death in Valaichenai
27.03.2006  New Head of SLMM meets with Tamilselvan
27.03.2006  Oppressive SLA…
28.03.2006  SLA violations continue in Jaffna
29.03.2006  SLA and paramilitaries unleash fear in Batticaloa
30.03.2006  Obligations ignored and restriction enforced
30.03.2006  SL Navy attacks fishermen at sea and shells LTTE area
31.03.2006  Fishermen subjected to harassment
31.03.2006  Jaffna civilians silenced by fear