CFA enters into 2543 days today.


'Still' Speaks

Hero's day Statement

Commendable Quote
  Europe which has a total population of 800 million is made up of 45 language based nation states. South Asia which has a total population of one billion, (1000 million) is comprised of four states. Who is preventing and therefore benefiting by limiting new nation-states in South Asia?

December HR Release

 2009   2008   2007   2006   2005   2004   2003 

 Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec 

01.12.2005  Oh! international community! What is your response?
01.12.2005  SLMM Head meets with Thamilselvan
01.12.2005  GoSL continue to spend the foreign aid on the comparatively lesser affected families in the South
01.12.2005  SLA camps relocate to prohibited territory, violate ceasefire agreement
02.12.2005  Two Neerveli farmers killed, residents suspect SLA-backed paramilitary groups
02.12.2005  IDPs hold protest in Uduvil against decreasing relief funds
02.12.2005  Shops and businesses close throughout Jaffna in protest of civilian killings
03.12.2005  Thennamarachchi youth shot, seriously injured by SLA
03.12.2005  “Implementation of the CFA is the key to end human right violations”
03.12.2005  SLA opens new checkpoints in Trincomalee, arbitrary security checks increase
04.12.2005  Protest against civilian murders in Jaffna
04.12.2005  When Tamils’ anger bursts out in force traitors will be expelled from our land
05.12.2005  Jaffna District SLA Commander is to meet Ilamparuthy
05.12.2005  “No option other than implementation of the CFA”
06.12.2005  SLA attacks student protest with tear gas
07.12.2005  Government is pouring oil to the fire
08.12.2005  Jaffna schools close as students protest; SLA fires gunshots repeatedly
08.12.2005  Peaceful protests will continue undeterred by hurdles of any sort
08.12.2005  LTTE Peace Secretariat releases its Monthly Bulletin
09.12.2005  “Civilian unrest due to military violence”
10.12.2005  LTTE condemns the brutal murders of two sisters
10.12.2005  NESOHR celebrates international human rights day
10.12.2005  “Right to Self-determination contributes to global peace”
11.12.2005  Sri Lankan Navy plans to build a new large navy base in civilian land
11.12.2005  Two youths abducted and killed in Valaichenai
11.12.2005  SLA demands people in Jaffna to remove their fences
12.12.2005  IFT appeals for curbing of military violence in North-East of Sri Lanka
13.12.2005  Drama called “commission of inquiry”
14.12.2005  Hidden hands destroying the Tamil-Muslim relationship
14.12.2005  LTTE and Muslim representatives meet in Trincomalee
15.12.2005  SLA Roundups and searches striking fear among people
15.12.2005  SLA conducts aggressive search operation throughout Jaffna
15.12.2005  “Media freedom under serious threat”
16.12.2005  Jaffna University students issue statement against expansion and reconstruction of Palaly airstrip
16.12.2005  Trincomalee District Consortium of Tamil People appeals to the government of India
16.12.2005  LTTE Special Military Commander meets with Head of Muslim Mosques
17.12.2005  CWC Leader’s meeting with Tamilselvan
17.12.2005  World need to pay more attention to the human rights of the people in Northeast
18.12.2005  Tamil women Martyr’s statue was destroyed by Sri Lankan army.
18.12.2005  Body of missing young woman found near Sri Lankan Navy camp
18.12.2005  Jaffna university management and commerce students warn Sri Lankan military
18.12.2005  The vehicle to be used for mobile medical service was blocked by the Sri Lankan navy.
18.12.2005  Jaffna Political Wing of the LTTE condemns SLA’s arbitrary search operations throughout Jaffna
18.12.2005  Blaming the LTTE for the helicopter attack is unfounded - S P Tamilselvan condemns
18.12.2005  Sri Lankan Govt’s invitation to Norway - LTTE’s response
19.12.2005  More than 100 Tamils arrested in Colombo during SLA cordon and search
19.12.2005  Jaffna University Vice Chancellor, Professor attacked by SLA
19.12.2005  Tamil media throttling tightens
19.12.2005  “Ceasefire is dangling on a thin thread”
20.12.2005  TNA strongly condemns the murder of young woman and violent actions of SLA
20.12.2005  SLA opens fire in Jaffna University campus; lecturer and student arrested
21.12.2005  Jaffna Political Wing Head of LTTE and Jaffna district Head of SLMM discuss SLA violations
21.12.2005  There will be serious repercussions
21.12.2005  “Military should quit from our habitats”
22.12.2005  “There is no guarantee that our souls will be saved”
22.12.2005  LTTE urge Norway to put pressure to the SL government to stop the military violence
22.12.2005  Tamilselvan meets Western Province People’s Front Leader Mano Ganesan
22.12.2005  LTTE request SLMM to make necessary arrangements to avoid confrontation in the sea
23.12.2005  Tamil patriot murdered in Jaffna
23.12.2005  Panicky SLA reacts hastily, creating fear in Jaffna and Mannar
24.12.2005  Co-Chairs Reps meet with LTTE
25.12.2005  Tamil nationalist parliamentarian brutally shot dead by the Sri Lankan military intelligence wing
25.12.2005  Tamil national leader bestows “Mamanithar” honour to slain TNA parliamentarian
26.12.2005  Burnt and severed bodies of four missing persons discovered by parish priest of Pesalai, Mannar
26.12.2005  Non-Silent Night! Un-Holy Night! Escalation of Sri Lanka State Terror!
26.12.2005  December the month of advent transformed month of Death
26.12.2005  Eight civilians shot dead within six hours in Jaffna
26.12.2005  Northeast organizations condemn the killing of Mamanithar Pararajasingam
27.12.2005  TNA urged the SL Government to take concrete measure for dismantling all clandestine relationship
27.12.2005  Colonel Kittu Memorial Park burnt and destroyed by SLA
27.12.2005  Four youths arrested by SLA in Chavakachcheri
28.12.2005  Tamil National Leader, V Prabhaharan, pays homage to slain Mamanithar
29.12.2005  Jaffna Bishop, Rev Thomas Soundaranayagam, condemns Pararajasingam’s murder
29.12.2005  Two young men shot and killed by SLA in Jaffna
30.12.2005  30 civilians injured in an SLA attack in Mannar following a grenade attack on SLA
30.12.2005  Strike by government employees in Jaffna continues for the fifth day
30.12.2005  Seventeen year old student shot and killed in Kodikamam (Jaffna)
30.12.2005  Thirteen Bishops and Christian clergy from around the island meet with Tamilselvan